ITACA S.p.A. through the implementation of a Quality Management System compliant with UNI EN ISO 9001 [ed.2015] and with a view to constant expansion towards new foreign markets, the primary objective is to improve the quality and compliance of its business with customers.

Responsibility for the definition and verification of implementation of the Quality Policy lies with the Management, which develops and documents it:

  • Defining the objectives and general guidelines;
  • Defining the Quality Management System;
  • By determining the involvement, commitment and participation of all the components of the
    organization in achieving quality;
  • By allocating resources and means appropriate to needs;
  • Keeping staff trained, through training and updating courses, so that they can do their job better;
  • By setting up a continuous and open collaboration program with its suppliers;
  • Promote the approach to processes and RISK-BASED THINKING;
  • By implementing an internal verification system in order to ensure compliance with the quality
    objectives, constantly monitoring the company quality trend, the “performances” of its suppliers and the level of customer satisfaction.
  • Taking continuous improvement as a priority, obtainable by defining measurable objectives
    appropriate to the purposes of the organization, monitored and updated periodically, as part of the
    management review.


Via Fratelli Cairoli, 4
20020 Lainate (MI) ITALY

Tel +39 02 93502875
Fax +39 02 93502961


Presente sul mercato dal 1990, ITACA S.p.A. si è affermata come il principale importatore e distributore europeo di materiali magnetici.

Con prodotti che vanno da ferrite, polvere, nuclei amorfi e nanocristallini a tutti i tipi di magneti permanenti, ITACA S.p.A. è l’unica grande azienda nel suo campo ad offrire una gamma così ampia di prodotti magnetici.